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Price Chopper to Close Early for Easter

The grocery store chain wants to allow team members to spend time with family

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- April 2, 2020 – Price Chopper will close early on Easter Sunday at all 51 locations across the greater Kansas City metro area to give teammates time to spend with family.  Stores will be open until 3 p.m. Sunday, April 12, allowing customers to purchase anything they need for their Easter meals.

“As the local family-owned grocer, Price Chopper knows the value of putting family first,” said Casie Broker, Chief Marketing Officer, Price Chopper Enterprises. “Our teammates are working tirelessly to keep the shelves stocked and stores open. Now more than ever, they want extra time to spend with family.”  

For more information about store hours and to learn about other ways Price Chopper is responding to COVID-19, please visit the website at

Price Chopper’s 51 Kansas City stores are locally owned by the Ball, Cosentino, McKeever, and Queen families, all of whom live in Kansas City and oversee store operations on a daily basis. For over 40 years, the owners and employees of Price Chopper have been committed to providing the highest quality products and top-of-the-line customer service to the thousands of customers they serve every day. For more information, please visit