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Price Chopper raises more than $200,000 to fight hunger

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – Price Chopper is proud to announce that it raised $210,697 to donate to Harvesters – The Community Food Network during the 27th annual Check-Out Hunger campaign.

With the addition of this year’s total, Price Chopper customers have donated more than $1.1 million over the past six holiday seasons. Casie Broker, VP of marketing for Price Chopper, attributes the success of the campaign to the generosity of Price Chopper shoppers.

“Our customers are always incredibly generous, but even more so around the holidays.” Broker said. “No one wants their neighbor, friends or family to go hungry. Donating a few dollars to Harvesters is an easy way to help fight hunger.”

Check-Out Hunger is Harvesters’ largest annual fundraiser, which helps feed the hungry throughout its network of more than 620 nonprofit agencies. For every dollar donated, Harvesters' network can provide three meals to hungry families, children and seniors in our community.

From November 1, 2018 through January 6, 2019, Price Chopper accepted monetary donations at all Kansas City-area stores. Customers were able to donate to Harvesters by adding $1, $5, $10 and $20 to their ticket.

For more information on the program, please visit


Price Chopper’s 52 Kansas City stores are locally owned by the Ball, Cosentino, McKeever, and Queen families, all of whom live in Kansas City and oversee store operations on a daily basis. For 39 years, the owners and employees of Price Chopper have been committed to providing the highest quality products and top-of-the-line customer service to the thousands of customers they serve every day. For more information, please visit