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Price Chopper and Dole Packaged Foods Reuniting for School Learning Garden Contest

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - Price Chopper and Dole Packaged Foods LLC have launched the third annual Learning Garden contest which will grant two elementary schools in Kansas or Missouri a Captain Planet Foundation Learning Garden – for free. The contest runs through October 31, 2020. 

Two lucky schools will win a comprehensive Learning Garden complete with lesson kits filled with supplies, a schoolyard garden, fully-equipped garden cooking cart, and strategies for summer garden maintenance. The Learning Garden program provides a context for multidisciplinary learning, ranging from nutrition and science to social studies, math and language arts. Students benefit by expanding their palates, taste-testing healthy foods, and learning about food origins.

Last year’s winning elementary schools were Meadow Lane Elementary School in Lee’s Summit, MO, and Shawanoe Elementary School in Shawnee, Kan.

“Price Chopper is proud to help support the learning garden with Dole and Captain Planet Foundation for a third year. We’re a locally-owned grocer so helping students in our community understand where their food comes from is important to us,” said Casie Broker, Chief Marketing Officer, Price Chopper. “The garden is a tremendous free resource and we encourage every elementary school to consider entering for their chance to win.”

Price Chopper shoppers can enter their school for a chance to win by visiting the  Price Chopper website or the  Captain Planet Foundation website.

“Dole is very excited to be partnering with Price Chopper again to bring two lucky schools Learning Gardens. It is so important for children to learn about where their food comes from and develop healthy eating habits at an early age.” said Marty Ordman, Communications Director, Dole Packaged Foods. 

“So many subjects can be taught in the garden and hands-on garden learning is an excellent way to support student understanding of natural systems, food origins, and healthy eating,” explained Leesa Carter, President & CEO of Captain Planet Foundation. “Captain Planet Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that kids are armed with an understanding of the natural world in which they live, and we are thrilled to be partnering again with Tops and Dole Packaged Foods to provide two lucky schools in with Project Learning Garden.”


Price Chopper’s 53 Kansas City stores are locally owned by the Ball, Cosentino, McKeever, and Queen families, all of whom live in Kansas City and oversee store operations on a daily basis. For 38 years, the owners and employees of Price Chopper have been committed to providing the highest quality products and top-of-the-line customer service to the thousands of customers they serve every day. For more information, please visit


Dole Packaged Foods LLC, a subsidiary of Dole International Holdings, is a leader in growing, sourcing, distributing and marketing fruit, vegetables and healthy snacks throughout the world.  Dole markets a full line of innovative packaged, frozen and dried fruit. The company focuses on four pillars of sustainability in all its operations: water management, carbon footprint, soil conservation and packaging. For more information, please visit


Based on the critically-acclaimed animated seriesCaptain Planet and the Planeteers,CPF was co-founded in 1991 by media mogul Ted Turner and producer Barbara Pyle.   Since then, the Captain Planet Foundation has played a critical role in helping to ensure that the next generation of business leaders and policy makers are environmentally literate citizens who leverage technology and information to manage and protect the air, land, and water upon which all life depends. 

CPF is a grant-making foundation that has funded over 2,000 hands-on environmental education projects withschools and non-profits that serve children in all 50 U.S. states and in 25 countries internationally. More than 1.4 million children have directly participated in and benefited from these educational projects. In addition to its Small Grants Program, the Captain Planet Foundation also operates the following programs: Project Learning Garden, Project Hero, Youth Voice, and the Institute. Formore information: