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Price Chopper Launches KC Together Campaign

We believe in the power of our Kansas City community. Price Chopper is committed to providing help to our neighbors and caring for our communities in extraordinary ways right now. We encourage Kansas Citians to perform acts of kindness for each other. We encourage acts like: check on your neighbors, go shopping for an elderly friend or relative, send a hand-written note of encouragement, or take time to recognize someone that has helped you recently. 

AND WE WANT TO HELP CELEBRATE THESE GREAT ACTS OF KINDNESS! Help Price Chopper get the hashtag #KCtogether trending by tagging posts showcasing the good you are doing for our community- or good you’ve witnessed others doing. We look forward to resharing some of the great things we are seeing across Kansas City. 

“We are thankful to live in a community that looks out for one another,” said Casie Broker, Chief Marketing Officer, Price Chopper. "We know our customers will do what they can for their neighbors during this trying time.” 

We are excited to once again witness Kansas City standing strong together. #KCtogether