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New Price Chopper on Bannister Road Now Open

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The new Ball’s Price Chopper store, located at 5665 Bannister Rd. across the street from the Cerner Innovations Campus, is now open. The newly constructed store replaces the older Price Chopper location, which was about one mile east of the new store, and includes expanded grocery offerings and services for the community.

Ball’s Food Stores had been looking to replace their old Price Chopper store for years because the existing building was not able to offer the type of shopping experience Price Chopper wanted to provide its customers. The opportunity arrived when a new investment group purchased the former K-Mart location at 5665 Bannister Rd. After months of negotiating a lease, construction started on the new facility in the fall of 2020 with the demolition of the former K-Mart location.

The new store is approximately 50,000 square feet and includes new shelving and refrigeration cases, new HVAC systems, energy-efficient lighting and refrigeration equipment, a new floral department and salad bar, expanded bakery, deli and produce departments, self-checkouts, fresh meat and seafood offerings, a larger Harry’s Liquor store with more variety, as well as a larger collection of grocery and non-food items throughout the store.

Ball’s Food Stores has worked with the Hickman Mills School District to prioritize hiring new teammates who are students or recent graduates of the Hickman Mills School District. Price Chopper will also hire dozens of people from the surrounding community. In addition to hiring locally, Ball’s Food Stores also purchases food locally and works with about 150 local family farms to provide homegrown produce to sell in its stores.

Ball’s Food Stores was started in 1923 by Mollie and Sydney Ball. The company is in its third generation of family leadership with David Ball as its current President. The company operates 26 stores in the Kansas City metro area under the Price Chopper, Hen House Markets, Sunfresh and Payless Discount Foods banners.

Price Chopper is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. For weekly ads and more information, go to or download the Price Chopper app.


Price Chopper’s 52 Kansas City stores are locally owned by the Ball, Cosentino, McKeever, and Queen families, all of whom live in Kansas City and oversee store operations on a daily basis. For over 40 years, the owners and employees of Price Chopper have been committed to providing the highest quality products and top-of-the-line customer service to the thousands of customers they serve every day. For more information, please visit